
Last weekend was Easter! It was a good weekend. We were lucky enough to be able to spend it with both sides of our family. Saturday:
We got there early. My mom was sick so I offered to help cook! My parents had to go to Idaho falls so me, josh, the boys and my little brother stayed home. We went to Walmart, got stuff for lunch. Corbin was asleep so I headed back to my parents house to make lunch while everyone else played at the park. They had fun! Couldn't stay long because it was chilly.
For dinner, I made funeral potatoes, and strawberry jello. Dad made the ham and cheese beans. And for dessert I made some delicious homemade banana pudding! Dinner was SOOO delicious! Because mom was sick, we didn't do much else but it was a nice, relaxing day. So it was fun!

Josh had to work, so around 2, his cousin and her boyfriend came to pick us up. We went to Josh's aunt and uncle's house. We got there pretty early. Then Josh arrived. For dinner we had ham, mashed potatoes, yams, corn and rolls. And trifle for dessert. Yummy! Then we had an Egg Hunt. Hyrums first egg hunt! He had fun at the beginning. Then all he cared about was swinging. Good boy! Haha. 

All in all it was a good weekend! Relaxing, good time with family. 

I'll update more about moving when I actually know what's going on! We're just busy packing so we can be out by SATURDAY! crazy Huh! Lots of good memories are being packed up... But looking forward to other good memories to come! 
