13 weeks!

13 weeks! I can't believe it! Last week of the first trimester. Holy cow! Its flying by! How do i feel? As of right now, pretty good. This week has been rough. For several days, i couldn't keep any food in me. I was awful, weak. Ugh! My poor husband And son. I couldn't do anything. The house was a wreck. I was a wreck. Thank heavens they're understanding. Yesterday, i had the last straw. I was getting close to dehydration. I had one more thing to try. Sea bands. They're these bands. One goes on each wrist. And they have a little plastic ball that pushes on a pressure point that helps nausea. I was hesitant, josh was even more hesitant. The hardest part is just figuring out exactly where it needs to go. If its not on right, it won't work. But within 10 minutes of putting it on, i could eat again! And iwas a bottomless pit. I had 2 meals, plus snacks, PLUS ice cream. all within 3 hours! Holy cow! It was amazing. I had pizza, bread, cheese, Graham crackers, yogurt, and later we ordered dominos (pathetic huh?) and i had chicken Alfredo and later had a bowl of ice cream.it was insane! Today is the first day in at least 1-2 weeks that i haven't thrown up immediately after breakfast. Hallelujah!
 I'm exhausted. All i want to do is sleep. I try to sleep while hyrum naps (which i never used to take naps so thats weird!). Plus, if josh is home, he puts hyrum to bed and I'm usually asleep before hyrum. Its crazy. As i'm writing this, I'm having a very hard time keeping my eyes open. I'm also starting to slightly feel lil teddy, which is so exciting!
What's baby up to?

Lil teddy is now forming vocal chords and teeth! Fingerprints are already there. And the intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to a more permanent place. Plus, teddys head usedto be much bigger than his/her body, but its becoming more proportional to the body. So crazy! 

Not much has been going on with us. Josh is taking his manager classes, which is awesome! Hopefully he'll become a manager in this store, then in a year he's hopefulky gonna get the general manager in a brand new store thats going up. So exciting! Hyrums being his little 2 year old self. The terrible twos are no joke! Its exhausting. But i love watching him grow up! Being a parent is probably the most rewarding thing ever. 
