Good news :)

It's been a couple days since i've posted but guess what?! I PASSED MY PRACTICAL EXAM!!!!!!!!! you need a 75% to pass and i got an 85%! i am so excited and so proud of myself! now all i've gotta do is get my license and hopefully i can do that soon, then i'll be a licensed cosmetologist...FINALLY!! it has taken me 1 year and 7 months to complete, but i finally did it! i can't wait! :) :)

As for other news, Josh is thinking we'll be going to Montana now. We're not sure quite yet but probably. We'll be going to East Montana, where my dad's been working. I really don't want to, but it is great money. we're thinking about moving to move there in May, because we'll hopefully get money. My mom's going there on April 15th and we'll join her to look at the jobs and find a place for us to live. I have absolutely NO idea what to expect. It will be different. But i hope the money's worth it. i guess we'll have to see.

Those are really the only real news that's happening in our lives. have a GREAT day!! :)
