Christmas 2015!

Christmas this year was a success! Originally, Josh was supposed to work on Christmas Eve. But luckily, he was able to get it off!
The morning if Christmas Eve, we loaded up our car and headed to my parents house in Rexburg. The roads there were scary! There were moments where it was a white out and we couldn't see. We did leave earlier thang we were planning on. It usually takes us about 30 minutes to get there, that day, it took us 50! Thank heavens both boys behaved. We got there at 1140, to help out.
We had a great dinner! Prime rib, potato casserole, cheese beans, shrimp, beats, salad and Texas roadhouse rolls, sparkling cider. So yummy! Then we relaxed, while some people went out to set up luminaries. I love this tradition! It makes it so beautiful!

We decided to try some new games this year. One game: take Some panty hose, fill up balloons and put them on both sides of the pantry Hose. And they turn into reindeer antlers! We did boys against girls. And of course, girls Won! Haha. No shocker there. 2nd game: take a piece of paper and try to make a certain Christmas shadow out of it. The kicker; you need to do it behind your back! They tried to do an angel. I couldn't do that because I was feeding corbin. So I got to judge! I can't exactly describe our 3rd game, except music (whistles) were involved. Oh! We also did our annual white elephant gift. This one is different from the Longs side. We had to buy a gift for $1 per person. Then someone reads a story, everytime the word "right" or "left" is read, you Hand the gift to the person on whichever side was read, make sense? Haha. I ended up with sardines from my brother..yuck! But that point, pepper left. It was already 930! So we decided to only Read the Bible story. The reason for the season. Them we did our annual Jammies! The boys both got batman, but I'm terrible At taking pictures so I didn't get any! Boo!
ThE next morning, Me and corbin didn't wake up until 815, Hyrum and Josh were up by 830. We got up, got breakfast going (I tried a new chocolate in three crock pot!). Them we did stockings.

After all that, Opening presents! The boys were spoiled! It is so much fun having kids. Especially when they start to finally understand, like Hyrum! He got into the hang of opening presents. It was Adorable! Corbin just slept thru it all. Lucky duck! Haha. Corbin got diapers, wipes, an activity mat, and a couple small toys. Hyrum got some clothes, toys, book, a scooter! I got clothes, A cookbook Of recipes for the crock pot, sugar cookie kit (100 pieces!), and Josh gave me $100 to go shopping! I'm so excited! Now to just decide what I want to get.. Josh got clothes, more pieces for his train, gift cards (for A gas station to fill up the car, ihop, and a movie Theatre). We were spoiled. And I LOVED spending time with my family. They are the greatest! 

That afternoon, we went to my grandparents house. Saw more family, and just hung out. They have a train that goes around the tree and Hyrum LOVED it! Me and Josh decided to go out to dinner that night. We left Hyrum there and just took corbin, since I'm his food source. We really wanted to go to chuck a Rama, and Online, it said they were Open. But lo and behold, nope! Bummer! So we went to Ihop. It was OK, definitely not my favorite place. They were busy too! And let me tell you, it was an experience! When we got there, Corbin was sleeping. So I was excited, thinking he'd sleep the whole time. Not! As soon add we got settled, he woke up. Now I got nervous. What if he needs to eat? Over never breastfeed in public yet! Eek! We were luckily in a booth in the back corner, but the booth was tiny! He started getting hungry, so I wanted to get him latched before he started crying and caused a scene. But it stressed me out, which made him stress out and not latch. So he was screaming by this point. So Josh grabbed him so I could take a break and calm down. He got Corbin to calm Down for a little bit. And of course, as I was calling down, I spilled my water! It went all over the place. Which stressed me out... Again. I just had to remind myself to calm down, and Josh handed him back to me so I could try feeding him again. And it worked! I was no longer stressed, I didn't think of anyone in the restaurant. We did get some nasty looks but if it bothered them so bad, they could look away! I mean, I just don't get it, what's so wrong with feeding MY child?! But hey, I did it! I Breastfed Corbin, out in public, successfully... Eventually! I'm so proud of myself! I think our waitress was even a little proud. She was so kind to us and made me feel better! So yes, I had to document the occasion. 

That's Our Christmas! We're very grateful for our family, and loved seeing them! Now we're just at home, doing my best to go thru all their toys so I can donate them. Yay! Hopefully it'll be a clean house again... 
